Lets Talk Sugar

Lets Talk Sugar

Lets talk Sugar
Makes us gain weight, get sick, be tired & prematurely wrinkled!  And It’s addictive.
We’ve known for years that sugar can rot your teeth but we had no idea how dangerous over consumption of sugar is for our health, our heart,  our liver and risk of developing diabetes or cancer.
In the past we’ve paid little attention to sugar that has been added to our food, we have just focused on FAT & calories.
1950’s & 60’s  saturated fat was seen as bad 9 cals per gram.  Carbohydrates + 4 cals ( sugar is a carbohydrate)  Thinking you can eat double the amount to fat!
1970’s there was a link to saturated fat & level of heart disease this since has been shown not to be the total truth in more recent studies done.
British population buy less bags of sugar but we actually consume more than ever of the white stuff.
NHS estimates we are eating on average:
700g of sugar a week = 175 teaspoons & some Britons consume average 238 teaspoons per week.
Ladies should aim for 6 teaspoons a day, which is about 25g (42 teaspoons a week).
Men 9 teaspoons a day.
So WHERE does our sugar consumption come from?
A lot is from processed food…
Small pot of Rachel’s organic low fat Rhubarb yoghurt = 5 tsp
Oats so simple Apple & blueberry Porridge = 4 tsp
Heinz cream of tomato soup = 5 tsp
1 x Oats n Honey nature valley Granola bar = 3 tsp
200ml Pineapple juice = 6 tsp
Can of Slimfast = 5.5 tsp
Can of coke cola = 8 tsp
Bag of Haribo sweets = 26t sp
Kellogg’s frosties = 37% sugar
Obesity by 2050 it is predicted that we as a nation will go from 1 in 4 to 1 in 2.  Scary……
Sugar converts to fat quicker than fat itself, because it raises your insulin levels, which causes fat storage.  Studies have shown that when a slim person eats , 40% of sugar converts straight to fat. An overweight converts 60% straight to fat.  This fat then gets stored around the stomach, waist & hips.  So if you eat sugar everyday you will struggle to lose weight.
Sugar takes away vitamins from your body, which makes the body malnourished and make the body hungry.  One of the main reason why overweight people are often always hungry as they don’t eat enough vitamin rich foods.  Make you tired & weakens your immune system.
So remember to look at labels, low fat foods often mean they’ve been packed with sugar, which will convert to fat around your middle.  Try to eat foods that aren’t processed, eat as natural as possible, cook from scratch you know what’s been added then!

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