Healthy Tips from our members
Sometime ago I asked my members could they share some healthy tips that has made them successfully in their quest to live a healthier lifestyle.
we decided that we`d like to share them with you, so here goes………………..
Be organized with your food, plan, plan, plan
Use a low fat salad cream / sauce instead of marg or butter
Walk all short journeys
Get on your bike
Keep a journal of food diary to record and see all your food and drink you really consume
If you cant get to class try another class or do a DVD
Weigh your food
Look in the mirror with no clothes on
Get a funky Cd and dance whilst you do the housework
Eat what you like, when you like just don’t swallow it!
Make healthy eating part of your life
Put on an Elvis CD its impossible to sit still
Keep some of your largest clothes
Every time you’re in the kitchen have a class of water instead of eating something naughty
Eat less, exercise more
Chat to other members, get their ideas
30 mins before food have a glass of water, will help fill you up
Never shop when you’re hungry
Count every calorie cos every calorie counts
When preparing food or washing up pull your stomach muscles in
A body massage will help shift toxins, fluids sluggishness and regenerate you
Thin down mayonnaise with a low fat fromaige frais
Use a smaller plate cos you’ll think youre eating more
Use 2 x water bottles instead of weights to tone arms and add resistance
As previous but drink them as you go for a walk
Get busy when you are hungry.
Get ideas for low fat cooking via internet, library, supermarket, or magazines
Buy a `Kandoo` soap dispenser and keep it in the kitchen as a reminder
Stay focused and positive; keep setting a small achievable goal
Use fresh lemon juice as a zesty and low cal salad dressing
If you’re an evening picker do plenty of ironing, take up a hobby i.e crosstich or crossword
Eat lots of fruit and veg
On short journeys walk instead of the car
Park further away from the venue or supermarket etc
Remember all the `W`s Walk, Water n Weigh
Try flavored water for variety (but keep an eye on calories)
Don’t ban favorite food, enjoy a small portion from time to time. Banning encourages craving more
And finally ……… Be nice to yourself
If you have a bad day don’t beat yourself up
Congratulate yourself on how many good days you’ve had
You’ll realize the one bad day isn’t going to spoil it all
Remember how you’ve progressed since you started, a healthier new you?